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 Request To Reset Server? (Please Vote)

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4 posters

Should Stuffing Re-set the Server?
Yes (Chris is Right)
Request To Reset Server? (Please Vote) I_vote_lcap50%Request To Reset Server? (Please Vote) I_vote_rcap
 50% [ 2 ]
No (Chris is still right, just it would make more of a problem)
Request To Reset Server? (Please Vote) I_vote_lcap0%Request To Reset Server? (Please Vote) I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
No (Chris should suck it up)
Request To Reset Server? (Please Vote) I_vote_lcap50%Request To Reset Server? (Please Vote) I_vote_rcap
 50% [ 2 ]
Total Votes : 4
Poll closed


Request To Reset Server? (Please Vote) Empty
PostSubject: Request To Reset Server? (Please Vote)   Request To Reset Server? (Please Vote) EmptyTue Oct 04, 2011 11:37 pm

Well, here goes nothing. And if you don't like walls of text, i'd suggest you just go to the bottom, but if you actually care about the server, I suggest you read though the wall.

I think we should reset the server for multiple reasons. One reason is the wholes. The wholes are just randomly put around the map, mostly from creepers or like my house was reset (Thanks for that one Stuffing). The wholes are just inconvenient, and that's the first reason. The second reason is that there is a bunch of things that have been blown up. This one kinda goes along with the wholes problem, but like I see a bunch of floating blocks randomly throughout the map, and I don't know if the blocks are because of people blowing things up, or because of a randomly generated block. Another reason is that there is a bunch of broken down houses. These houses are from people who have raided, or been raided. The houses generally have nothing in them, and they are broken down to one or two pieces randomly put out. The main reason in inconvenience. If you want to start another faction, you either have to do one of two things. One is to walk like 5 minutes away from the spawn, or two, raid someones house just to build onto it. A fifth reason is that there is just a bunch of random water falls. While I was walking around, I saw like four or five water falls that are not connected to anything! This also goes with the sixth reason. There's a bunch of lava falls too! I had to have seen like four of these. Most of these problems are mad made, some are not. The seventh reason is that diamonds are worthless now. I can't say diamonds are worthless because of people spawning them, or because people are buying them, its just that they're all worthless now. I've raided like six or seven factions, and all the members have diamond armor, diamond swords, and even diamond houses! This is messing up the economy of the game, and its just messing things up! The eighth reason is that everything's getting old. The look of spawn, although Stuffing has done good we re-doing it, has just become old looking, and I think a new look would be a good thing to do! The shop is boring as hell, and that needs a tune up too!

Those eight reasons can simply be resolved my either me, or any other admin on the server, going around and fixing all of it, but then the users would just mess it up again! I mean, don't get me wrong, I love all of the users, but its like all of the issues are becoming kind of a big problem! But overall I think the server, along with all of the users would profit from the server being reset. Please think about this, and please vote and leave your opinion about this subject in this topic.

Thanks for reading me babble on,
-Chris (151131)
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Request To Reset Server? (Please Vote) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Request To Reset Server? (Please Vote)   Request To Reset Server? (Please Vote) EmptyWed Oct 05, 2011 1:34 am

I suggest we wait for 1.9 ... That will be best. Suck it up for one more week.
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Request To Reset Server? (Please Vote) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Request To Reset Server? (Please Vote)   Request To Reset Server? (Please Vote) EmptyWed Oct 05, 2011 1:36 am

1.9 won't mean a reset in the server, and when stuffing did the 1.8 he just took pieces from the old server, and I didn't like it.
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Request To Reset Server? (Please Vote) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Request To Reset Server? (Please Vote)   Request To Reset Server? (Please Vote) EmptyWed Oct 05, 2011 11:00 pm

i agree we should just reset the server too many random things keep popping up like half broken houses it just doesn't look good and the shop would be nicer with a tune up
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Request To Reset Server? (Please Vote) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Request To Reset Server? (Please Vote)   Request To Reset Server? (Please Vote) EmptySat Oct 08, 2011 1:30 am

This is denied. :L
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Request To Reset Server? (Please Vote) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Request To Reset Server? (Please Vote)   Request To Reset Server? (Please Vote) EmptySat Oct 08, 2011 4:31 am

Since this has been denied right away - I'm locking this post.
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