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 League of Legends guide

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League of Legends guide Empty
PostSubject: League of Legends guide   League of Legends guide EmptySun Oct 30, 2011 2:00 pm

League of Legends is a fun game where you get your own champion, try to kill other champion, and to win you need to take towers. 5v5 or 3v3 game types.

Note: This guide is meant for after the beginner tutorials (so you know the map, and kind of how the game works)

5v5 game type where you lane to level and get items, team fight to then take towers, (inhibitors spawn super minions) and later push to the Nexus where you end up winning

sign up- http://signup.leagueoflegends.com/?ref=4df046eb2033d049670430
(note: this is my referral link and would gladly appreciate if you use it)

Summoner level, after a game you get so much ip and xp, the levels are 1-30, it took me about 2 months maybe to hit 30 playing only a few games a day

Masteries- Give you a boost ingame, you get 1 mastery point every level until 30, it takes a total of 21 points to get down a row on the tree (theres 3 trees - offense, defense, and utility) Look up guides for each individual champ to find which you should use

Summoner spells - These are 2 free spells you automatic get and can be used for different things, small help in game and usually have long cooldowns

Ip - influence points (what you get for winning/losing game) - a.k.a the free money of the game
Rp- roit points (used to buy champs/skins/bundles) - a.k.a. the things you pay for
(notice everything in this game is free and using money on the game will not increase you doing good ingame)

Champions that are 450 ip (the cheapest champs) are
- Ryze (ap/burst caster)
- Master yi (assassin/melee)
- Ashe (Damage per second/Melee)
- Soraka (support/healer)
- Nunu (tanky/ap)
- Annie (ap/burst caster)
- Kayle (range/melee dps [will explain])

These are the "starter" champs and you can unlock any of them in any order or you can save for a higher ip champ the ip groups are
-450 (starter champs)
(Champs that are 6300 just mean they are usually a bit harder to play, maybe a tad better in game, and are sometimes more fun)

So, how do champs work?
Each champion has there own base stats and have higher attack damage if there an ad carry, higher ap if there a caster, and tanks usually have higher hp.

Almost all champs use mana, this is used to cast spells and require a certin cooldown before you can use them again

Champs are put into a few categories - Most teams consist of usually 1 of each sometimes
-Support (usually no fun but needed) these champs heal or have good utility and usually go bottom lane with the ad carry
-Ad carry (attack damage) Can be melee or range, can go duo top/bottom or even solo mid
-Ap caster (mage) usually rely on spells do to massive damage (usually solo mid)
-Tank (lots of hp) usually goes in first for a team fight
-Jungler (will explain later as you cannot do this at low summoner levels) used to gank and roam the jungle

Games are usually 5v5 and they do have an Tutorials/AI-bot game for beginners to show you kinda how the game works, but I will go a bit more in-depth

First when you hit play there's 4 categories
-pvp (against other people, 5v5 and 3v3)
-co-op vs ai (begin/intermediate) for beginners
-customs (join/create) to play against other friends
-Tutorials (basic/battle training) to get you started

-How to play-
your spells will be {qwer} Example: [Ashe - range melee]
Passive- Don't need to level you just get it - [Focus -- every 3 seconds Ashe is out of combat she gets 3% extra crit damage -makes you hit 150% harder- on her next hit]
Q- first spell [Frost Shot- toggle on and off, when on, you slow who you hit for so much % using up so much mana per shot]
W- Second spell [Volley - fires a cone of arrows in a certain range)
E- Third spell [Hawk shot - when used sends 'hawk spirit' to a place to give you sight, passive if when you kill a minion you get extra gold depends on the level]
R- Ultimate [Enchanted Crystal Arrow -- sends an arrow across the map in a straight line and hits the first enemy champion in it's way]

You start at level 1 and level through the game killing minions for gold (make sure to last hit to get the gold) and end up be a max of 18

Every champion no matter what role has 4 spells which can be leveled up 1-5 in any order (except for R which is at level 6, 11, and 16)
So at 18 your Q spell will be level 5, w-5, e-5 and r-3

You can find individual champion guides at "mobafire.com" or "solomid.com"

Items - What makes you do more burst damage, faster movement speed, have more mana, hit harder, do more crit damage, make you more tanky from melee or magic resist, help get you gold faster...


Each champ requires a different build and can have many different builds, or depends on the team you face, you might need more magic resist or armor (melee resist)

Phases in the game are usually called
Early game - usually when your about levels 1-8 maybe at the latest
Mid-game - once you start getting your core items for your build and maybe a few team fights
Late-game - after you have your core build, are probably around level 16-18 in game, and where team fights really matter

Early game is when you lane (kill minions [a.k.a. farm] and get money for you build)
Mid-game - when some towers are down, maybe more then a few, and where team fights erupt, split pushing, when every one is in the middle lane and you go off and push bot/top

Runes- don't need to worry about till level 20 when you can get tier 3 runes, they give you a small boost in game though

Cutting it a bit short here cause it got really long

Hopefully this guide helps you and I will be adding on if I missed anything, going to have a friend read it and make sure, I am level 30 and have about 300+ games played so you if you have any questions at all you can pm me here.
Thanks for reading Smile


Tactic - at lower levels

Split pushing - This is done from low to the top tier players, it's when both teams are both in 1 lane (usually mid) and 1 person goes and pushes either top or bottom lane to the tower, this makes it so some people have to come bot while your whole team can still push mid

This also lets you get your build faster by getting more cs (creep kills) level up faster also, this gives you a big advantage when you are overleveled because your base stats will be much higher, plus you build

Jungle -=- the champion "warwick" is really good to start jungling with when you hit level 30 because he can stay at high hp due to his passive (free lifesteal) and his Q also steals hp

at low summoner levels you will not be able to jungle from level 1 (in game) but with a few items everything will be a ok

items - Madred's Razors - build from cloth armor/long sword and has a wonderful passive that helps you with the jungle, it has a passive that you have a 15% chance on hitting 500 bonus damage on a jungle monster/creep

It doesn't end here ! with a Vampiric Scepter (12% lifesteal) and 150 gold, you can buy 1 a really good item

Wriggle's Lantern - 20% chance on hitting 500 extra damage on a creep/jungle monster and has a active that you can place a ward anywhere with it that lasts 3 minutes

Red buff - (below/above the golems/wraiths) Gives the "lizard" buff that when you auto attack an enemy champion it slows them down so much percent, Great for ad dps you auto attack you down so people can't run

Blue buff - (by the wolves) The "golem" buff gives so much of your mana back per second, also reduces cooldowns by a little bit, Great for casters who need mana to spam spells

Dragon - Gives the team a global gold of 190, and spawns every 6 minutes after killed, the gold might not seem like much, but it adds up after a few dragons

Baron - spawns at 15 minutes, gives a super buff to your whole team (the purple buff) also gives so much gold to your team, Baron can be a game changer at the end of the game because of how big of a buff it gives to your team, Baron is only solo-able by a few champs and should be done as a team*

*Notice - while you are doing baron, if the enemy team comes up to try to steal it, get off of it(so they don't steal it or at least try to finish it fast) and back off if you have to, or start a team fight and take them down as they come
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